Course curriculum

    1. How to access your resources

    1. How to import Pacestation JSON files into your Pace system

    2. Accounting - Billed Invoice LInes

    3. Accounting - Open Jobs Not Billed

    4. Base Object Contact - basic contact pacestation you can filter by customer

    5. Base Object Customer - how you can access default contacts (ie bill to, ship to etc) to edit their contact info in a pacestation view

    6. Base Object Customer - Pacestation for customers added on or after a certain date

    1. Adding a User Defined Field on to a custom report

    2. Using "Order by Summary" on a Group

    3. Sample Report using "Group by Summary"

    4. Missing Data on Reports That Should be There? Check Your Joins!

    1. CUSTOM REPORT: System Object Audit Log by Date Range

    2. Sample PDF Output - This is how output from the "System Object Audit Log by Date Range" looks in PDF format

    3. Report Downloading Agreement

    4. How to load this report to your Pace system

    5. Custom "System Object Audit Log by Date Range" rpt file for download

    1. CUSTOM REPORT: Active Job List by Customer

    2. Sample PDF Output - This is how output from the "Active Job List by Customer" looks in PDF format

    3. Report Downloading Agreement

    4. How to load this report to your Pace system

    5. Custom "Active Job List by Customer" rpt file for download

    1. CUSTOM REPORT: Active Job List by Customer

    2. Sample PDF Output - This is how output from the "Activity Code Usage" report looks in PDF format

    3. Report Downloading Agreement

    4. How to load this report to your Pace system

    5. Custom "Activity Code Usage" rpt file for download

About this course

  • Free
  • 59 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content

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